Serial Communication

  • It is a method of conveying a single bit at a time i.e. only one bit of a word is transmitted at a time.
  • It is slower.
  • Hardware requirement is simple.
  • E.g. RS-232C
Modes of serial data transfer
i) Simplex mode
  • Data travel in only one direction. E.g. from computer to printer
ii) Half duplex mode
  • Data travel in both directions but not at the same time.
iii) Full duplex mode
  • Data travel in both directions at the same time.
Types of serial data transfer
i) Synchronous 
  • Both transmitter and receiver are synchronized by same clock pulse.
  • It is also called clock-oriented data transmission.
  • Speed: >20 Kbps
  • Always implemented with hardware.
ii) Asynchronous
  • Both transmitter and receiver are synchronized by separate clock pulse.
  • It is also called character-oriented data transmission.
  • Speed: <20 Kbps.
  • Always implemented with hardware and software.

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